Tag: Entrees

  • Still Cookin’ !

    Still Cookin’ !

    Even with a dead oven, we keep on making good stuff! Tonight is Tuscan Shrimp and Scallops with the amazing Barbecued Sun-dried Tomato & Basil Bread.

  • Kraft Pizza Kit

    Kraft Pizza Kit

    Those of us “of a certain age” have fond memories of the Kraft Pizza Kit. Mum used to make them for the mob of kids in my familly and I think I was 17 or 18 before I encountered “real” pizza. In the years since, my tastes in pizza have evolved and developed. My personal…

  • Shrimp and Mushroom Stuffed Baked Potatoes

    Shrimp and Mushroom Stuffed Baked Potatoes

    Okay, this one sounds decadent but trust me – it’s simple and reasonably inexpensive if you get a bag of frozen shrimp when they’re on sale and they taste absolutely great! If you don’t like shrimp, substitute frozen scallops or whatever white-fish you like. Or go nuts and include them all! 4 large baking potatoes1…